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About us / contact

Company name:  F.T.W.O. Zlín, a.s. (Joint-stock company)
Address:     Odboje 712, CZ - 760 01 Zlín 1, Czech Republic
Tel.:            +420 577 104 561, 577 106 324, 577 158 095
Fax:            +420 577 158 096
Mobile:       +420 602 762 220, 602 749 139, 602 744 370

EU-Tax.-Nr.: CZ25556975

- Certification of F.T.W.O. Zlín, a.s. 

F.T.W.O. Zlín, a.s. has established, documented and implented quality management system according to ČSN EN ISO 9001:2000.
F.T.W.O. Zlín, a.s. have the Certificate ITC Zlín Nr.050080SJ (Enclosure Nr.1), CQS Praha Nr.2019/2006 (Enclosure Nr.2)a international IQNet Nr.CZ-2019/2006 (Enclosure Nr.3) for following activities:
- Delivery, assembly, repairs, revisions and service of technological equipment at water and 
industrial plants
- Projection in installation of technological equipment at water and industrial plants